New and Colorful Spring by Dr. Cate McCarty
Mark Dulniak distribution Nana’s Books to Pond Gap Kindergarteners
Think back to school days.
The space between holidays often felt like an eternity. Sometimes your family doesn’t celebrate the way others did. Maybe you had different traditions. Maybe your family had less. There are so many childhood variables that factor into holidays.
Regardless, children know that Spring brings something new. Maybe it’s new kittens or new clothes, or maybe it's a new book from Nana's Books Foundation. This Spring 349 children are experiencing new things through Nana's Books Foundation at Pond Gap Elementary in Knoxville, TN.
Nana's Books Foundation was started in 2020 in honor of life-long librarian Nancy Dulniak. Nancy loved to share her joy of reading to children, especially her grandchildren.
Taken from this world way too early from Alzheimer’s, Nana's Books Foundation is continuing her legacy by providing grade-appropriate books on dementia(s) and disabilities to public libraries and Title I school students. Dr. Cate is a board member of Nana's Books Foundation because of her own fond memories of so many amazing individuals with dementia and her own delight in childhood books and library memories.
Maybe you have fond memories of big springtime celebrations with children receiving extra love. Maybe the grandchildren are grown, and the egg hunt is no longer popular. Why not be magical with a donation to Nana's Books Foundation? You can still provide the joy of something new.
Whether you donate as a memorial to a loved one, or as a tribute to Spring--click the button and find out more.
Be the change you see in Spring!